Queer Friends of Bradley Manning in solidarity action at Occupy London Stock Exchange

Queer Friends of Bradley Manning this afternoon took a wander up to the Occupy London Stock Exchange action. We found a fantastic festival-like atmosphere and lots of people enjoying the warm sunshine. There were also plenty of city workers wandering around on their lunch breaks, chatting to occupiers and listening to a talk which was going on.

We were struck by how well organised it all was: there was a first aid post, canteen, a library, media centre and information point. Despite the cheerful atmosphere there was also plenty of hard work going on and a large group of people were meeting, deciding next steps, and running through a line-up of events that are going to take place during the coming days. There were a few police milling around and chatting but despite their presence all was peaceful.

Queer Friends of Bradley Manning wish the occupiers their very best wishes and offer their solidarity. Further visits will be taking place, do get in touch via email, Twitter or Facebook if you’d like to join us.


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